AP Setup Form

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /srv/www/auvoriaprime.com/releases/20241221113540/third_party/wp-premium/ninja-forms-multi-part-forms/multi-part.php on line 249
Call Stack
10.0004448320{main}( )…/index.php:0
20.0004448672require( ‘/srv/www/auvoriaprime.com/releases/20241221113540/web/wp/wp-blog-header.php )…/index.php:6
31.103618557344require_once( ‘/srv/www/auvoriaprime.com/releases/20241221113540/web/wp/wp-includes/template-loader.php )…/wp-blog-header.php:19
41.199519786144include( ‘/srv/www/auvoriaprime.com/releases/20241221113540/web/wp/wp-includes/template-canvas.php )…/template-loader.php:106
51.199519786144get_the_block_template_html( )…/template-canvas.php:12
61.200419849680do_blocks( $content = '<!– wp:template-part {"slug":"home-header","theme":"auvoriaprime/resources"} /–>\n\n<!– wp:group {"tagName":"main","backgroundColor":"secondary"} –>\n<main class="wp-block-group has-secondary-background-color has-background"><!– wp:post-content {"layout":{"inherit":true}} /–></main>\n<!– /wp:group –>\n\n<!– wp:template-part {"slug":"home-footer","theme":"auvoriaprime/resources"} /–>' )…/block-template.php:260
71.313720246808render_block( $parsed_block = ['blockName' => 'core/group', 'attrs' => ['tagName' => 'main', 'backgroundColor' => 'secondary'], 'innerBlocks' => [0 => […]], 'innerHTML' => '\n<main class="wp-block-group has-secondary-background-color has-background"></main>\n', 'innerContent' => [0 => '\n<main class="wp-block-group has-secondary-background-color has-background">', 1 => NULL, 2 => '</main>\n']] )…/blocks.php:2113
81.313920247504WP_Block->render( $options = ??? )…/blocks.php:2061
91.314220248320WP_Block->render( $options = ??? )…/class-wp-block.php:499
101.314220249016render_block_core_post_content( $attributes = ['layout' => ['inherit' => TRUE]], $content = '', $block = class WP_Block { public $parsed_block = ['blockName' => 'core/post-content', 'attrs' => […], 'innerBlocks' => […], 'innerHTML' => '', 'innerContent' => […]]; public $name = 'core/post-content'; public $block_type = class WP_Block_Type { public $api_version = 3; public $name = 'core/post-content'; public $title = 'Content'; public $category = 'theme'; public $parent = NULL; public $ancestor = NULL; public $allowed_blocks = NULL; public $icon = NULL; public $description = 'Displays the contents of a post or page.'; public $keywords = […]; public $textdomain = NULL; public $styles = […]; private $variations = NULL; public $variation_callback = NULL; public $selectors = […]; public $supports = […]; public $example = NULL; public $render_callback = 'render_block_core_post_content'; public $attributes = […]; private $uses_context = […]; public $provides_context = NULL; public $block_hooks = […]; public $editor_script_handles = […]; public $script_handles = […]; public $view_script_handles = […]; public $view_script_module_ids = […]; public $editor_style_handles = […]; public $style_handles = […]; public $view_style_handles = […]; private $deprecated_properties = […] }; public $context = ['postId' => 474825, 'postType' => 'page']; protected $available_context = ['postId' => 474825, 'postType' => 'page']; protected $registry = class WP_Block_Type_Registry { private $registered_block_types = […] }; public $inner_blocks = []; public $inner_html = ''; public $inner_content = []; public $attributes = ['layout' => […]] } )…/class-wp-block.php:519
111.315120250296apply_filters( $hook_name = 'the_content', $value = '<!– wp:group {"style":{"spacing":{"padding":{"top":"var:preset|spacing|40","right":"var:preset|spacing|40","bottom":"var:preset|spacing|40","left":"var:preset|spacing|40"}},"color":{"background":"#262626"}},"textColor":"secondary","layout":{"type":"default"}} –>\n<div class="wp-block-group has-secondary-color has-text-color has-background" style="background-color:#262626;padding-top:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);padding-right:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);padding-bottom:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);pad'… )…/post-content.php:50
121.315120250544WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '<!– wp:group {"style":{"spacing":{"padding":{"top":"var:preset|spacing|40","right":"var:preset|spacing|40","bottom":"var:preset|spacing|40","left":"var:preset|spacing|40"}},"color":{"background":"#262626"}},"textColor":"secondary","layout":{"type":"default"}} –>\n<div class="wp-block-group has-secondary-color has-text-color has-background" style="background-color:#262626;padding-top:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);padding-right:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);padding-bottom:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);pad'…, $args = [0 => '<!– wp:group {"style":{"spacing":{"padding":{"top":"var:preset|spacing|40","right":"var:preset|spacing|40","bottom":"var:preset|spacing|40","left":"var:preset|spacing|40"}},"color":{"background":"#262626"}},"textColor":"secondary","layout":{"type":"default"}} –>\n<div class="wp-block-group has-secondary-color has-text-color has-background" style="background-color:#262626;padding-top:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);padding-right:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);padding-bottom:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);pad'…] )…/plugin.php:205
131.315120251440do_blocks( $content = '<!– wp:group {"style":{"spacing":{"padding":{"top":"var:preset|spacing|40","right":"var:preset|spacing|40","bottom":"var:preset|spacing|40","left":"var:preset|spacing|40"}},"color":{"background":"#262626"}},"textColor":"secondary","layout":{"type":"default"}} –>\n<div class="wp-block-group has-secondary-color has-text-color has-background" style="background-color:#262626;padding-top:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);padding-right:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);padding-bottom:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);pad'… )…/class-wp-hook.php:324
141.318020261368render_block( $parsed_block = ['blockName' => 'core/group', 'attrs' => ['layout' => […]], 'innerBlocks' => [0 => […]], 'innerHTML' => '\n<div class="wp-block-group"></div>\n', 'innerContent' => [0 => '\n<div class="wp-block-group">', 1 => NULL, 2 => '</div>\n']] )…/blocks.php:2113
151.318220262064WP_Block->render( $options = ??? )…/blocks.php:2061
161.318420262880WP_Block->render( $options = ??? )…/class-wp-block.php:499
171.318520263576Ninja_Forms::{closure:/srv/www/auvoriaprime.com/releases/20241221113540/web/app/plugins/ninja-forms/blocks/bootstrap.php:23-28}( $atts = ['formID' => 11, 'formTitle' => 'AP Setup Form'], '', class WP_Block { public $parsed_block = ['blockName' => 'ninja-forms/form', 'attrs' => […], 'innerBlocks' => […], 'innerHTML' => '', 'innerContent' => […], 'parentLayout' => […]]; public $name = 'ninja-forms/form'; public $block_type = class WP_Block_Type { public $api_version = 1; public $name = 'ninja-forms/form'; public $title = 'Ninja Form'; public $category = 'common'; public $parent = NULL; public $ancestor = NULL; public $allowed_blocks = NULL; public $icon = 'feedback'; public $description = ''; public $keywords = […]; public $textdomain = NULL; public $styles = […]; private $variations = NULL; public $variation_callback = NULL; public $selectors = […]; public $supports = NULL; public $example = NULL; public $render_callback = class Closure { … }; public $attributes = […]; private $uses_context = […]; public $provides_context = NULL; public $block_hooks = […]; public $editor_script_handles = […]; public $script_handles = […]; public $view_script_handles = […]; public $view_script_module_ids = […]; public $editor_style_handles = […]; public $style_handles = […]; public $view_style_handles = […]; private $deprecated_properties = […] }; public $context = []; protected $available_context = ['postId' => 474825, 'postType' => 'page']; protected $registry = class WP_Block_Type_Registry { private $registered_block_types = […] }; public $inner_blocks = []; public $inner_html = ''; public $inner_content = []; public $attributes = ['formID' => 11, 'formTitle' => 'AP Setup Form'] } )…/class-wp-block.php:519
181.318720280248Ninja_Forms->display( $form_id = 11, $preview = TRUE )…/bootstrap.php:26
191.319520280248NF_Display_Render::localize_preview( $form_id = 11 )…/ninja-forms.php:958
201.319520281000NF_Display_Render::localize( $form_id = 11 )…/Render.php:583
211.414820395432NF_Abstracts_ModelFactory->get_fields( $where = ???, $fresh = ??? )…/Render.php:159
221.425321050160apply_filters( $hook_name = 'ninja_forms_get_fields_sorted', $value = [], …$args = variadic([696 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 696; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 697 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 697; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 698 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 698; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 699 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 699; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 801 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 801; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 804 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 804; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 700 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 700; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 802 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 802; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 701 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 701; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 803 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 803; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 702 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 702; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 703 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 703; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 704 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 704; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 705 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 705; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 711 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 711; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 706 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 706; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 707 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 707; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 708 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 708; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 709 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 709; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 710 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 710; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 712 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 712; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 713 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 713; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }], ['firstname_1676291431792' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 696; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 'lastname_1676291432798' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 697; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 'email_1676291434244' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 698; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 'ap_username_1676291435654' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 699; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 'introduction_1708733176478' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 801; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 'html_1708733157350' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 804; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 'telegram_username_1676291436045' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 700; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 'textbox_1708732719813' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 802; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 'skype_username_1676291443454' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 701; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 'textbox_1708732722964' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 803; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 'do_you_have_any_experience_trading_in_financial_markets_1676291836334' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 702; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 'if_you_answered_yes_to_the_last_question_how_much_experience_do_you_have_1676291846493' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 703; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 'do_you_have_any_experience_with_cryptocurrency_1676291899649' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 704; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 'have_you_bought_and_transferred_cryptocurrency_1676291908280' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 705; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 'do_you_have_a_broker_link_from_the_ap_member_that_invited_you_to_ap_this_link_is_used_to_create_your_broker_account_1676291939180' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 711; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 'do_you_currently_have_cryptocurrency_in_a_wallet_or_an_exchange_1676291920251' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 706; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 'if_you_answered_yes_to_the_last_question_which_exchange_or_wallet_service_is_it_1708733107939' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 707; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 'have_you_ever_used_a_vps_before_1676291968807' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 708; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 'have_you_ever_used_mt4_or_mt5_for_trading_before_1684441223908' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 709; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 'which_product_s_are_you_intending_to_use_1708733080383' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 710; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 'html_1676292140239' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 712; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 'submit_and_choose_a_time_1676292222261' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 713; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }], 11) )…/ModelFactory.php:295
231.425321050408WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = [], $args = [0 => [], 1 => [696 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 697 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 698 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 699 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 801 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 804 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 700 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 802 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 701 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 803 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 702 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 703 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 704 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 705 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 711 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 706 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 707 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 708 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 709 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 710 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 712 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 713 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }], 2 => ['firstname_1676291431792' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 'lastname_1676291432798' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 'email_1676291434244' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 'ap_username_1676291435654' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 'introduction_1708733176478' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 'html_1708733157350' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 'telegram_username_1676291436045' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 'textbox_1708732719813' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 'skype_username_1676291443454' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 'textbox_1708732722964' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 'do_you_have_any_experience_trading_in_financial_markets_1676291836334' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 'if_you_answered_yes_to_the_last_question_how_much_experience_do_you_have_1676291846493' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 'do_you_have_any_experience_with_cryptocurrency_1676291899649' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 'have_you_bought_and_transferred_cryptocurrency_1676291908280' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 'do_you_have_a_broker_link_from_the_ap_member_that_invited_you_to_ap_this_link_is_used_to_create_your_broker_account_1676291939180' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 'do_you_currently_have_cryptocurrency_in_a_wallet_or_an_exchange_1676291920251' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 'if_you_answered_yes_to_the_last_question_which_exchange_or_wallet_service_is_it_1708733107939' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 'have_you_ever_used_a_vps_before_1676291968807' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 'have_you_ever_used_mt4_or_mt5_for_trading_before_1684441223908' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 'which_product_s_are_you_intending_to_use_1708733080383' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 'html_1676292140239' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }, 'submit_and_choose_a_time_1676292222261' => class NF_Database_Models_Field { … }], 3 => 11] )…/plugin.php:205
241.425421051056NF_MultiPart->filter_field_order( $order = [], $fields = [696 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 696; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 697 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 697; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 698 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 698; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 699 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 699; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 801 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 801; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 804 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 804; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 700 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 700; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 802 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 802; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 701 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 701; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 803 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 803; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 702 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 702; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 703 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 703; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 704 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 704; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 705 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 705; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 711 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 711; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 706 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 706; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 707 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 707; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 708 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 708; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 709 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 709; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 710 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 710; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 712 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 712; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'field'; protected $_parent_id = 11; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_fields'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_field_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; private $form_id = '' }, 713 => class NF_Database_Models_Field { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; 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