The Auvoria Prime Team invites you to introduce software, services, or education to Auvoria Prime to be included in the Auvoria Prime Marketplace and AP Live platform. To begin the process, please fill out the form below.


To make the approval and launch process as quick and as efficient as possible it is important to be as detailed as possible on this application form. If you lack the required information you can save the form and return to it when you have the information. 

We look forward to your submission and someone will contact you shortly to explain the next steps as there is a step-by-step process that will be explained on one of the first conference calls between Auvoria Prime and yourself.


( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key “key” in /srv/www/auvoriaprime.com/releases/20241221113540/web/app/plugins/ninja-forms/includes/Fields/Repeater.php on line 186
Call Stack
10.0003448176{main}( )…/index.php:0
20.0003448528require( ‘/srv/www/auvoriaprime.com/releases/20241221113540/web/wp/wp-blog-header.php )…/index.php:6
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41.259221937024include( ‘/srv/www/auvoriaprime.com/releases/20241221113540/web/wp/wp-includes/template-canvas.php )…/template-loader.php:106
51.259221937024get_the_block_template_html( )…/template-canvas.php:12
61.260622002232do_blocks( $content = '<!– wp:template-part {"slug":"home-header","theme":"auvoriaprime/resources"} /–>\n\n<!– wp:group {"tagName":"main","backgroundColor":"secondary"} –>\n<main class="wp-block-group has-secondary-background-color has-background"><!– wp:post-content {"layout":{"inherit":true}} /–></main>\n<!– /wp:group –>\n\n<!– wp:template-part {"slug":"home-footer","theme":"auvoriaprime/resources"} /–>' )…/block-template.php:260
71.371022493568render_block( $parsed_block = ['blockName' => 'core/group', 'attrs' => ['tagName' => 'main', 'backgroundColor' => 'secondary'], 'innerBlocks' => [0 => […]], 'innerHTML' => '\n<main class="wp-block-group has-secondary-background-color has-background"></main>\n', 'innerContent' => [0 => '\n<main class="wp-block-group has-secondary-background-color has-background">', 1 => NULL, 2 => '</main>\n']] )…/blocks.php:2113
81.371122494264WP_Block->render( $options = ??? )…/blocks.php:2061
91.371322495080WP_Block->render( $options = ??? )…/class-wp-block.php:499
101.371322495776render_block_core_post_content( $attributes = ['layout' => ['inherit' => TRUE]], $content = '', $block = class WP_Block { public $parsed_block = ['blockName' => 'core/post-content', 'attrs' => […], 'innerBlocks' => […], 'innerHTML' => '', 'innerContent' => […]]; public $name = 'core/post-content'; public $block_type = class WP_Block_Type { public $api_version = 3; public $name = 'core/post-content'; public $title = 'Content'; public $category = 'theme'; public $parent = NULL; public $ancestor = NULL; public $allowed_blocks = NULL; public $icon = NULL; public $description = 'Displays the contents of a post or page.'; public $keywords = […]; public $textdomain = NULL; public $styles = […]; private $variations = NULL; public $variation_callback = NULL; public $selectors = […]; public $supports = […]; public $example = NULL; public $render_callback = 'render_block_core_post_content'; public $attributes = […]; private $uses_context = […]; public $provides_context = NULL; public $block_hooks = […]; public $editor_script_handles = […]; public $script_handles = […]; public $view_script_handles = […]; public $view_script_module_ids = […]; public $editor_style_handles = […]; public $style_handles = […]; public $view_style_handles = […]; private $deprecated_properties = […] }; public $context = ['postId' => 479081, 'postType' => 'page']; protected $available_context = ['postId' => 479081, 'postType' => 'page']; protected $registry = class WP_Block_Type_Registry { private $registered_block_types = […] }; public $inner_blocks = []; public $inner_html = ''; public $inner_content = []; public $attributes = ['layout' => […]] } )…/class-wp-block.php:519
111.371922497056apply_filters( $hook_name = 'the_content', $value = '<!– wp:group {"style":{"spacing":{"padding":{"top":"var:preset|spacing|40","right":"var:preset|spacing|40","bottom":"var:preset|spacing|40","left":"var:preset|spacing|40"}},"color":{"background":"#262626"}},"textColor":"secondary","layout":{"type":"default"}} –>\n<div class="wp-block-group has-secondary-color has-text-color has-background" style="background-color:#262626;padding-top:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);padding-right:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);padding-bottom:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);pad'… )…/post-content.php:50
121.371922497304WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '<!– wp:group {"style":{"spacing":{"padding":{"top":"var:preset|spacing|40","right":"var:preset|spacing|40","bottom":"var:preset|spacing|40","left":"var:preset|spacing|40"}},"color":{"background":"#262626"}},"textColor":"secondary","layout":{"type":"default"}} –>\n<div class="wp-block-group has-secondary-color has-text-color has-background" style="background-color:#262626;padding-top:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);padding-right:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);padding-bottom:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);pad'…, $args = [0 => '<!– wp:group {"style":{"spacing":{"padding":{"top":"var:preset|spacing|40","right":"var:preset|spacing|40","bottom":"var:preset|spacing|40","left":"var:preset|spacing|40"}},"color":{"background":"#262626"}},"textColor":"secondary","layout":{"type":"default"}} –>\n<div class="wp-block-group has-secondary-color has-text-color has-background" style="background-color:#262626;padding-top:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);padding-right:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);padding-bottom:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);pad'…] )…/plugin.php:205
131.372022498200do_blocks( $content = '<!– wp:group {"style":{"spacing":{"padding":{"top":"var:preset|spacing|40","right":"var:preset|spacing|40","bottom":"var:preset|spacing|40","left":"var:preset|spacing|40"}},"color":{"background":"#262626"}},"textColor":"secondary","layout":{"type":"default"}} –>\n<div class="wp-block-group has-secondary-color has-text-color has-background" style="background-color:#262626;padding-top:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);padding-right:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);padding-bottom:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);pad'… )…/class-wp-hook.php:324
141.377622526512render_block( $parsed_block = ['blockName' => 'core/group', 'attrs' => ['layout' => […]], 'innerBlocks' => [0 => […], 1 => […], 2 => […], 3 => […]], 'innerHTML' => '\n<div class="wp-block-group">\n\n\n\n\n\n</div>\n', 'innerContent' => [0 => '\n<div class="wp-block-group">', 1 => NULL, 2 => '\n\n', 3 => NULL, 4 => '\n\n', 5 => NULL, 6 => '\n\n', 7 => NULL, 8 => '</div>\n']] )…/blocks.php:2113
151.377822527208WP_Block->render( $options = ??? )…/blocks.php:2061
161.378622530016WP_Block->render( $options = ??? )…/class-wp-block.php:499
171.378722530712Ninja_Forms::{closure:/srv/www/auvoriaprime.com/releases/20241221113540/web/app/plugins/ninja-forms/blocks/bootstrap.php:23-28}( $atts = ['formID' => 3, 'formTitle' => 'Vendor Application'], '', class WP_Block { public $parsed_block = ['blockName' => 'ninja-forms/form', 'attrs' => […], 'innerBlocks' => […], 'innerHTML' => '', 'innerContent' => […], 'parentLayout' => […]]; public $name = 'ninja-forms/form'; public $block_type = class WP_Block_Type { public $api_version = 1; public $name = 'ninja-forms/form'; public $title = 'Ninja Form'; public $category = 'common'; public $parent = NULL; public $ancestor = NULL; public $allowed_blocks = NULL; public $icon = 'feedback'; public $description = ''; public $keywords = […]; public $textdomain = NULL; public $styles = […]; private $variations = NULL; public $variation_callback = NULL; public $selectors = […]; public $supports = NULL; public $example = NULL; public $render_callback = class Closure { … }; public $attributes = […]; private $uses_context = […]; public $provides_context = NULL; public $block_hooks = […]; public $editor_script_handles = […]; public $script_handles = […]; public $view_script_handles = […]; public $view_script_module_ids = […]; public $editor_style_handles = […]; public $style_handles = […]; public $view_style_handles = […]; private $deprecated_properties = […] }; public $context = []; protected $available_context = ['postId' => 479081, 'postType' => 'page']; protected $registry = class WP_Block_Type_Registry { private $registered_block_types = […] }; public $inner_blocks = []; public $inner_html = ''; public $inner_content = []; public $attributes = ['formID' => 3, 'formTitle' => 'Vendor Application'] } )…/class-wp-block.php:519
181.378822547384Ninja_Forms->display( $form_id = 3, $preview = TRUE )…/bootstrap.php:26
191.379422547384NF_Display_Render::localize_preview( $form_id = 3 )…/ninja-forms.php:958
201.379522548136NF_Display_Render::localize( $form_id = 3 )…/Render.php:583
211.553524488768apply_filters( $hook_name = 'ninja_forms_localize_field_settings_repeater', $value = ['objectType' => 'Field', 'objectDomain' => 'fields', 'editActive' => FALSE, 'order' => 4, 'idAttribute' => 'id', 'label' => 'Team Member Details', 'type' => 'repeater', 'container_class' => 'half_col', 'element_class' => '', 'wrap_styles_border' => '', 'wrap_styles_width' => '', 'wrap_styles_margin' => '', 'wrap_styles_padding' => '', 'wrap_styles_float' => '', 'wrap_styles_show_advanced_css' => 1, 'label_styles_border' => '', 'label_styles_width' => '', 'label_styles_font-size' => '', 'label_styles_margin' => '', 'label_styles_padding' => '', 'label_styles_float' => '', 'label_styles_show_advanced_css' => 1, 'element_styles_border' => '', 'element_styles_width' => '', 'element_styles_font-size' => '', 'element_styles_margin' => '', 'element_styles_padding' => '', 'element_styles_float' => '', 'element_styles_show_advanced_css' => 1, 'fields' => [0 => […], 1 => […], 2 => […], 3 => […], 4 => […], 5 => […], 6 => […], 7 => […], 8 => […], 9 => […], 10 => […], 11 => […], 12 => […], 13 => […], 14 => […], 15 => […], 16 => […], 17 => […], 18 => […]], 'key' => 'team_member_details_1628056581871', 'cellcid' => 'c4886', 'drawerDisabled' => '', 'confirm_field' => 'contact_information_1627886083205', 'unique_field' => 'contact_information_1627886083205', 'wrap_styles_advanced' => 'text-align:center;', 'label_styles_advanced' => 'text-align:center;', 'element_styles_advanced' => 'text-align:center;', 'field_label' => 'Team Member Details', 'field_key' => 'team_member_details_1628056581871', 'button_text' => 'Add Fieldset', 'id' => 604, 'beforeField' => '', 'afterField' => '', 'value' => '', 'label_pos' => 'above', 'parentType' => 'textbox', 'element_templates' => [0 => 'repeater', 1 => 'input'], 'old_classname' => '', 'wrap_template' => 'wrap-no-label'], …$args = variadic(class NF_Database_Models_Form { protected $_db = class wpdb { public $show_errors = TRUE; public $suppress_errors = FALSE; public $last_error = ''; public $num_queries = 33; public $num_rows = 1; public $rows_affected = 0; public $insert_id = 0; public $last_query = 'SELECT cache FROM `wp_nf3_upgrades` WHERE id = 3'; public $last_result = […]; protected $result = class mysqli_result { … }; protected $col_meta = […]; protected $table_charset = […]; protected $check_current_query = TRUE; private $checking_collation = FALSE; protected $col_info = NULL; public $queries = […]; protected $reconnect_retries = 5; public $prefix = 'wp_'; public $base_prefix = 'wp_'; public $ready = TRUE; public $blogid = 0; public $siteid = 0; public $tables = […]; public $old_tables = […]; public $global_tables = […]; public $ms_global_tables = […]; public $old_ms_global_tables = […]; public $comments = 'wp_comments'; public $commentmeta = 'wp_commentmeta'; public $links = 'wp_links'; public $options = 'wp_options'; public $postmeta = 'wp_postmeta'; public $posts = 'wp_posts'; public $terms = 'wp_terms'; public $term_relationships = 'wp_term_relationships'; public $term_taxonomy = 'wp_term_taxonomy'; public $termmeta = 'wp_termmeta'; public $usermeta = 'wp_usermeta'; public $users = 'wp_users'; public $blogs = NULL; public $blogmeta = NULL; public $registration_log = NULL; public $signups = NULL; public $site = NULL; public $sitecategories = NULL; public $sitemeta = NULL; public $field_types = […]; public $charset = 'utf8mb4'; public $collate = 'utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci'; protected $dbuser = 'auvoriaprime_com'; protected $dbpassword = 'cCHNyLd3NZ62J0J5B*74LKo4beQPCUjpJzKbWJh6WeYh8XqSjAkB4I4J*oen'; protected $dbname = 'auvoriaprime_com_test'; protected $dbhost = 'localhost'; protected $dbh = class mysqli { … }; public $func_call = '$db->query("SELECT cache FROM `wp_nf3_upgrades` WHERE id = 3")'; public $is_mysql = TRUE; protected $incompatible_modes = […]; private $allow_unsafe_unquoted_parameters = TRUE; private $use_mysqli = TRUE; private $has_connected = TRUE; public $time_start = 1740276848.7647; public $error = NULL; public $categories = 'wp_categories'; public $post2cat = 'wp_post2cat'; public $link2cat = 'wp_link2cat'; public $payment_tokenmeta = 'wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta'; public $order_itemmeta = 'wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta'; public $wc_product_meta_lookup = 'wp_wc_product_meta_lookup'; public $wc_tax_rate_classes = 'wp_wc_tax_rate_classes'; public $wc_reserved_stock = 'wp_wc_reserved_stock'; public $wcs_payment_retries = 'wp_wcs_payment_retries'; public $actionscheduler_actions = 'wp_actionscheduler_actions'; public $actionscheduler_claims = 'wp_actionscheduler_claims'; public $actionscheduler_groups = 'wp_actionscheduler_groups'; public $actionscheduler_logs = 'wp_actionscheduler_logs'; public $wc_category_lookup = 'wp_wc_category_lookup' }; protected $_id = 3; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'form'; protected $_parent_id = ''; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_forms'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_form_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = [0 => 'title', 1 => 'created_at', 2 => 'form_title', 3 => 'default_label_pos', 4 => 'show_title', 5 => 'clear_complete', 6 => 'hide_complete', 7 => 'logged_in', 8 => 'seq_num']; protected $_settings = ['objectType' => 'Form Setting', 'editActive' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Vendor Application', 'form_title' => 'Vendor Application', 'default_label_pos' => 'above', 'show_title' => 0, 'clear_complete' => '1', 'hide_complete' => '0', 'logged_in' => '0', 'wrapper_class' => '', 'element_class' => '', 'key' => '', 'add_submit' => '1', 'changeEmailErrorMsg' => 'Please enter a valid email address!', 'changeDateErrorMsg' => 'Please enter a valid date!', 'confirmFieldErrorMsg' => 'These fields must match!', 'fieldNumberNumMinError' => 'Number Min Error', 'fieldNumberNumMaxError' => 'Number Max Error', 'fieldNumberIncrementBy' => 'Please increment by ', 'formErrorsCorrectErrors' => 'Please correct errors before submitting this form.', 'validateRequiredField' => 'This is a required field.', 'honeypotHoneypotError' => 'Honeypot Error', 'fieldsMarkedRequired' => 'Fields marked with an <span class="ninja-forms-req-symbol">*</span> are required', 'currency' => '', 'repeatable_fieldsets' => 'Member Details', 'unique_field_error' => 'A form with this value has already been submitted.', 'not_logged_in_msg' => '', 'sub_limit_msg' => 'The form has reached its submission limit.', 'calculations' => […], 'header_position' => 'left', 'footer_position' => 'left', 'save_progress_allow_multiple' => '0', 'save_progress_table_legend' => 'Load saved progress', 'save_progress_table_columns' => […], 'container_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'title_styles_show_advanced_css' => '1', 'row_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'row-odd_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'success-msg_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'error_msg_styles_show_advanced_css' => '1', 'conditions' => […], 'mp_breadcrumb' => '1', 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=> '', 'breadcrumb_button_hover_styles_padding' => '', 'breadcrumb_button_hover_styles_float' => '', 'breadcrumb_button_hover_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'breadcrumb_active_button_styles_border' => '', 'breadcrumb_active_button_styles_height' => '', 'breadcrumb_active_button_styles_width' => '', 'breadcrumb_active_button_styles_font-size' => '', 'breadcrumb_active_button_styles_margin' => '', 'breadcrumb_active_button_styles_padding' => '', 'breadcrumb_active_button_styles_float' => '', 'breadcrumb_active_button_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'progress_bar_container_styles_border' => '', 'progress_bar_container_styles_height' => '', 'progress_bar_container_styles_width' => '', 'progress_bar_container_styles_margin' => '', 'progress_bar_container_styles_padding' => '', 'progress_bar_container_styles_float' => '', 'progress_bar_container_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'progress_bar_fill_styles_border' => '', 'progress_bar_fill_styles_height' => '', 'progress_bar_fill_styles_margin' => '', 'progress_bar_fill_styles_padding' => '', 'progress_bar_fill_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'part_titles_styles_border' => '', 'part_titles_styles_height' => '', 'part_titles_styles_width' => '', 'part_titles_styles_font-size' => '', 'part_titles_styles_margin' => '', 'part_titles_styles_padding' => '', 'part_titles_styles_float' => '', 'part_titles_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'navigation_container_styles_border' => '', 'navigation_container_styles_height' => '', 'navigation_container_styles_width' => '', 'navigation_container_styles_margin' => '', 'navigation_container_styles_padding' => '', 'navigation_container_styles_float' => '', 'navigation_container_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'previous_button_styles_border' => '', 'previous_button_styles_height' => '', 'previous_button_styles_width' => '', 'previous_button_styles_font-size' => '', 'previous_button_styles_margin' => '', 'previous_button_styles_padding' => '', 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221.553524489016WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = ['objectType' => 'Field', 'objectDomain' => 'fields', 'editActive' => FALSE, 'order' => 4, 'idAttribute' => 'id', 'label' => 'Team Member Details', 'type' => 'repeater', 'container_class' => 'half_col', 'element_class' => '', 'wrap_styles_border' => '', 'wrap_styles_width' => '', 'wrap_styles_margin' => '', 'wrap_styles_padding' => '', 'wrap_styles_float' => '', 'wrap_styles_show_advanced_css' => 1, 'label_styles_border' => '', 'label_styles_width' => '', 'label_styles_font-size' => '', 'label_styles_margin' => '', 'label_styles_padding' => '', 'label_styles_float' => '', 'label_styles_show_advanced_css' => 1, 'element_styles_border' => '', 'element_styles_width' => '', 'element_styles_font-size' => '', 'element_styles_margin' => '', 'element_styles_padding' => '', 'element_styles_float' => '', 'element_styles_show_advanced_css' => 1, 'fields' => [0 => […], 1 => […], 2 => […], 3 => […], 4 => […], 5 => […], 6 => […], 7 => […], 8 => […], 9 => […], 10 => […], 11 => […], 12 => […], 13 => […], 14 => […], 15 => […], 16 => […], 17 => […], 18 => […]], 'key' => 'team_member_details_1628056581871', 'cellcid' => 'c4886', 'drawerDisabled' => '', 'confirm_field' => 'contact_information_1627886083205', 'unique_field' => 'contact_information_1627886083205', 'wrap_styles_advanced' => 'text-align:center;', 'label_styles_advanced' => 'text-align:center;', 'element_styles_advanced' => 'text-align:center;', 'field_label' => 'Team Member Details', 'field_key' => 'team_member_details_1628056581871', 'button_text' => 'Add Fieldset', 'id' => 604, 'beforeField' => '', 'afterField' => '', 'value' => '', 'label_pos' => 'above', 'parentType' => 'textbox', 'element_templates' => [0 => 'repeater', 1 => 'input'], 'old_classname' => '', 'wrap_template' => 'wrap-no-label'], $args = [0 => ['objectType' => 'Field', 'objectDomain' => 'fields', 'editActive' => FALSE, 'order' => 4, 'idAttribute' => 'id', 'label' => 'Team Member Details', 'type' => 'repeater', 'container_class' => 'half_col', 'element_class' => '', 'wrap_styles_border' => '', 'wrap_styles_width' => '', 'wrap_styles_margin' => '', 'wrap_styles_padding' => '', 'wrap_styles_float' => '', 'wrap_styles_show_advanced_css' => 1, 'label_styles_border' => '', 'label_styles_width' => '', 'label_styles_font-size' => '', 'label_styles_margin' => '', 'label_styles_padding' => '', 'label_styles_float' => '', 'label_styles_show_advanced_css' => 1, 'element_styles_border' => '', 'element_styles_width' => '', 'element_styles_font-size' => '', 'element_styles_margin' => '', 'element_styles_padding' => '', 'element_styles_float' => '', 'element_styles_show_advanced_css' => 1, 'fields' => […], 'key' => 'team_member_details_1628056581871', 'cellcid' => 'c4886', 'drawerDisabled' => '', 'confirm_field' => 'contact_information_1627886083205', 'unique_field' => 'contact_information_1627886083205', 'wrap_styles_advanced' => 'text-align:center;', 'label_styles_advanced' => 'text-align:center;', 'element_styles_advanced' => 'text-align:center;', 'field_label' => 'Team Member Details', 'field_key' => 'team_member_details_1628056581871', 'button_text' => 'Add Fieldset', 'id' => 604, 'beforeField' => '', 'afterField' => '', 'value' => '', 'label_pos' => 'above', 'parentType' => 'textbox', 'element_templates' => […], 'old_classname' => '', 'wrap_template' => 'wrap-no-label'], 1 => class NF_Database_Models_Form { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 3; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'form'; protected $_parent_id = ''; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_forms'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_form_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; protected $_fields = NULL }] )…/plugin.php:205
231.553524489664NF_Fields_Repeater->display_filter( $fieldset = ['objectType' => 'Field', 'objectDomain' => 'fields', 'editActive' => FALSE, 'order' => 4, 'idAttribute' => 'id', 'label' => 'Team Member Details', 'type' => 'repeater', 'container_class' => 'half_col', 'element_class' => '', 'wrap_styles_border' => '', 'wrap_styles_width' => '', 'wrap_styles_margin' => '', 'wrap_styles_padding' => '', 'wrap_styles_float' => '', 'wrap_styles_show_advanced_css' => 1, 'label_styles_border' => '', 'label_styles_width' => '', 'label_styles_font-size' => '', 'label_styles_margin' => '', 'label_styles_padding' => '', 'label_styles_float' => '', 'label_styles_show_advanced_css' => 1, 'element_styles_border' => '', 'element_styles_width' => '', 'element_styles_font-size' => '', 'element_styles_margin' => '', 'element_styles_padding' => '', 'element_styles_float' => '', 'element_styles_show_advanced_css' => 1, 'fields' => [0 => […], 1 => […], 2 => […], 3 => […], 4 => […], 5 => […], 6 => […], 7 => […], 8 => […], 9 => […], 10 => […], 11 => […], 12 => […], 13 => […], 14 => […], 15 => […], 16 => […], 17 => […], 18 => […]], 'key' => 'team_member_details_1628056581871', 'cellcid' => 'c4886', 'drawerDisabled' => '', 'confirm_field' => 'contact_information_1627886083205', 'unique_field' => 'contact_information_1627886083205', 'wrap_styles_advanced' => 'text-align:center;', 'label_styles_advanced' => 'text-align:center;', 'element_styles_advanced' => 'text-align:center;', 'field_label' => 'Team Member Details', 'field_key' => 'team_member_details_1628056581871', 'button_text' => 'Add Fieldset', 'id' => 604, 'beforeField' => '', 'afterField' => '', 'value' => '', 'label_pos' => 'above', 'parentType' => 'textbox', 'element_templates' => [0 => 'repeater', 1 => 'input'], 'old_classname' => '', 'wrap_template' => 'wrap-no-label'], $form = class NF_Database_Models_Form { protected $_db = class wpdb { public $show_errors = TRUE; public $suppress_errors = FALSE; public $last_error = ''; public $num_queries = 33; public $num_rows = 1; public $rows_affected = 0; public $insert_id = 0; public $last_query = 'SELECT cache FROM `wp_nf3_upgrades` WHERE id = 3'; public $last_result = […]; protected $result = class mysqli_result { … }; protected $col_meta = […]; protected $table_charset = […]; protected $check_current_query = TRUE; private $checking_collation = FALSE; protected $col_info = NULL; public $queries = […]; protected $reconnect_retries = 5; public $prefix = 'wp_'; public $base_prefix = 'wp_'; public $ready = TRUE; public $blogid = 0; public $siteid = 0; public $tables = […]; public $old_tables = […]; public $global_tables = […]; public $ms_global_tables = […]; public $old_ms_global_tables = […]; public $comments = 'wp_comments'; public $commentmeta = 'wp_commentmeta'; public $links = 'wp_links'; public $options = 'wp_options'; public $postmeta = 'wp_postmeta'; public $posts = 'wp_posts'; public $terms = 'wp_terms'; public $term_relationships = 'wp_term_relationships'; public $term_taxonomy = 'wp_term_taxonomy'; public $termmeta = 'wp_termmeta'; public $usermeta = 'wp_usermeta'; public $users = 'wp_users'; public $blogs = NULL; public $blogmeta = NULL; public $registration_log = NULL; public $signups = NULL; public $site = NULL; public $sitecategories = NULL; public $sitemeta = NULL; public $field_types = […]; public $charset = 'utf8mb4'; public $collate = 'utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci'; protected $dbuser = 'auvoriaprime_com'; protected $dbpassword = 'cCHNyLd3NZ62J0J5B*74LKo4beQPCUjpJzKbWJh6WeYh8XqSjAkB4I4J*oen'; protected $dbname = 'auvoriaprime_com_test'; protected $dbhost = 'localhost'; protected $dbh = class mysqli { … }; public $func_call = '$db->query("SELECT cache FROM `wp_nf3_upgrades` WHERE id = 3")'; public $is_mysql = TRUE; protected $incompatible_modes = […]; private $allow_unsafe_unquoted_parameters = TRUE; private $use_mysqli = TRUE; private $has_connected = TRUE; public $time_start = 1740276848.7647; public $error = NULL; public $categories = 'wp_categories'; public $post2cat = 'wp_post2cat'; public $link2cat = 'wp_link2cat'; public $payment_tokenmeta = 'wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta'; public $order_itemmeta = 'wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta'; public $wc_product_meta_lookup = 'wp_wc_product_meta_lookup'; public $wc_tax_rate_classes = 'wp_wc_tax_rate_classes'; public $wc_reserved_stock = 'wp_wc_reserved_stock'; public $wcs_payment_retries = 'wp_wcs_payment_retries'; public $actionscheduler_actions = 'wp_actionscheduler_actions'; public $actionscheduler_claims = 'wp_actionscheduler_claims'; public $actionscheduler_groups = 'wp_actionscheduler_groups'; public $actionscheduler_logs = 'wp_actionscheduler_logs'; public $wc_category_lookup = 'wp_wc_category_lookup' }; protected $_id = 3; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'form'; protected $_parent_id = ''; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_forms'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_form_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = [0 => 'title', 1 => 'created_at', 2 => 'form_title', 3 => 'default_label_pos', 4 => 'show_title', 5 => 'clear_complete', 6 => 'hide_complete', 7 => 'logged_in', 8 => 'seq_num']; protected $_settings = ['objectType' => 'Form Setting', 'editActive' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Vendor Application', 'form_title' => 'Vendor Application', 'default_label_pos' => 'above', 'show_title' => 0, 'clear_complete' => '1', 'hide_complete' => '0', 'logged_in' => '0', 'wrapper_class' => '', 'element_class' => '', 'key' => '', 'add_submit' => '1', 'changeEmailErrorMsg' => 'Please enter a valid email address!', 'changeDateErrorMsg' => 'Please enter a valid date!', 'confirmFieldErrorMsg' => 'These fields must match!', 'fieldNumberNumMinError' => 'Number Min Error', 'fieldNumberNumMaxError' => 'Number Max Error', 'fieldNumberIncrementBy' => 'Please increment by ', 'formErrorsCorrectErrors' => 'Please correct errors before submitting this form.', 'validateRequiredField' => 'This is a required field.', 'honeypotHoneypotError' => 'Honeypot Error', 'fieldsMarkedRequired' => 'Fields marked with an <span class="ninja-forms-req-symbol">*</span> are required', 'currency' => '', 'repeatable_fieldsets' => 'Member Details', 'unique_field_error' => 'A form with this value has already been submitted.', 'not_logged_in_msg' => '', 'sub_limit_msg' => 'The form has reached its submission limit.', 'calculations' => […], 'header_position' => 'left', 'footer_position' => 'left', 'save_progress_allow_multiple' => '0', 'save_progress_table_legend' => 'Load saved progress', 'save_progress_table_columns' => […], 'container_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'title_styles_show_advanced_css' => '1', 'row_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'row-odd_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'success-msg_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'error_msg_styles_show_advanced_css' => '1', 'conditions' => […], 'mp_breadcrumb' => '1', 'mp_progress_bar' => '0', 'mp_display_titles' => '0', 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'breadcrumb_button_hover_styles_float' => '', 'breadcrumb_button_hover_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'breadcrumb_active_button_styles_border' => '', 'breadcrumb_active_button_styles_height' => '', 'breadcrumb_active_button_styles_width' => '', 'breadcrumb_active_button_styles_font-size' => '', 'breadcrumb_active_button_styles_margin' => '', 'breadcrumb_active_button_styles_padding' => '', 'breadcrumb_active_button_styles_float' => '', 'breadcrumb_active_button_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'progress_bar_container_styles_border' => '', 'progress_bar_container_styles_height' => '', 'progress_bar_container_styles_width' => '', 'progress_bar_container_styles_margin' => '', 'progress_bar_container_styles_padding' => '', 'progress_bar_container_styles_float' => '', 'progress_bar_container_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'progress_bar_fill_styles_border' => '', 'progress_bar_fill_styles_height' => '', 'progress_bar_fill_styles_margin' => '', 'progress_bar_fill_styles_padding' => '', 'progress_bar_fill_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'part_titles_styles_border' => '', 'part_titles_styles_height' => '', 'part_titles_styles_width' => '', 'part_titles_styles_font-size' => '', 'part_titles_styles_margin' => '', 'part_titles_styles_padding' => '', 'part_titles_styles_float' => '', 'part_titles_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'navigation_container_styles_border' => '', 'navigation_container_styles_height' => '', 'navigation_container_styles_width' => '', 'navigation_container_styles_margin' => '', 'navigation_container_styles_padding' => '', 'navigation_container_styles_float' => '', 'navigation_container_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'previous_button_styles_border' => '', 'previous_button_styles_height' => '', 'previous_button_styles_width' => '', 'previous_button_styles_font-size' => '', 'previous_button_styles_margin' => '', 'previous_button_styles_padding' => '', 'previous_button_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'next_button_styles_border' => '', 'next_button_styles_height' => '', 'next_button_styles_width' => '', 'next_button_styles_font-size' => '', 'next_button_styles_margin' => '', 'next_button_styles_padding' => '', 'next_button_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'navigation_hover_styles_border' => '', 'navigation_hover_styles_height' => '', 'navigation_hover_styles_width' => '', 'navigation_hover_styles_font-size' => '', 'navigation_hover_styles_margin' => '', 'navigation_hover_styles_padding' => '', 'navigation_hover_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'formContentData' => […], 'drawerDisabled' => FALSE, 'unique_field' => 'contact_information_1627886083205', …]; protected $_results = []; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; protected $_fields = NULL } )…/class-wp-hook.php:324
241.561624673384NF_Fields_Repeater->before_field( $field = ['objectType' => 'Field', 'objectDomain' => 'fields', 'editActive' => FALSE, 'order' => '10', 'idAttribute' => 'id', 'id' => '604.20', 'label' => '', 'type' => 'html', 'repeaterField' => '1', 'default' => '', 'container_class' => '', 'element_class' => '', 'wrap_styles_background-color' => '', 'wrap_styles_border' => '', 'wrap_styles_border-style' => '', 'wrap_styles_border-color' => '', 'wrap_styles_width' => '', 'wrap_styles_margin' => '', 'wrap_styles_padding' => '', 'wrap_styles_display' => '', 'wrap_styles_float' => '', 'wrap_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'wrap_styles_advanced' => '', 'label_styles_background-color' => '', 'label_styles_border' => '', 'label_styles_border-style' => '', 'label_styles_border-color' => '', 'label_styles_color' => '', 'label_styles_width' => '', 'label_styles_font-size' => '', 'label_styles_margin' => '', 'label_styles_padding' => '', 'label_styles_display' => '', 'label_styles_float' => '', 'label_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'label_styles_advanced' => '', 'element_styles_background-color' => '', 'element_styles_border' => '', 'element_styles_border-style' => '', 'element_styles_border-color' => '', 'element_styles_color' => '', 'element_styles_width' => '', 'element_styles_font-size' => '', 'element_styles_margin' => '', 'element_styles_padding' => '', 'element_styles_display' => '', 'element_styles_float' => '', 'element_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'element_styles_advanced' => '', 'drawerDisabled' => ''] )…/Repeater.php:88

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key “key” in /srv/www/auvoriaprime.com/releases/20241221113540/web/app/plugins/ninja-forms/includes/Fields/Repeater.php on line 198
Call Stack
10.0003448176{main}( )…/index.php:0
20.0003448528require( ‘/srv/www/auvoriaprime.com/releases/20241221113540/web/wp/wp-blog-header.php )…/index.php:6
31.125520788000require_once( ‘/srv/www/auvoriaprime.com/releases/20241221113540/web/wp/wp-includes/template-loader.php )…/wp-blog-header.php:19
41.259221937024include( ‘/srv/www/auvoriaprime.com/releases/20241221113540/web/wp/wp-includes/template-canvas.php )…/template-loader.php:106
51.259221937024get_the_block_template_html( )…/template-canvas.php:12
61.260622002232do_blocks( $content = '<!– wp:template-part {"slug":"home-header","theme":"auvoriaprime/resources"} /–>\n\n<!– wp:group {"tagName":"main","backgroundColor":"secondary"} –>\n<main class="wp-block-group has-secondary-background-color has-background"><!– wp:post-content {"layout":{"inherit":true}} /–></main>\n<!– /wp:group –>\n\n<!– wp:template-part {"slug":"home-footer","theme":"auvoriaprime/resources"} /–>' )…/block-template.php:260
71.371022493568render_block( $parsed_block = ['blockName' => 'core/group', 'attrs' => ['tagName' => 'main', 'backgroundColor' => 'secondary'], 'innerBlocks' => [0 => […]], 'innerHTML' => '\n<main class="wp-block-group has-secondary-background-color has-background"></main>\n', 'innerContent' => [0 => '\n<main class="wp-block-group has-secondary-background-color has-background">', 1 => NULL, 2 => '</main>\n']] )…/blocks.php:2113
81.371122494264WP_Block->render( $options = ??? )…/blocks.php:2061
91.371322495080WP_Block->render( $options = ??? )…/class-wp-block.php:499
101.371322495776render_block_core_post_content( $attributes = ['layout' => ['inherit' => TRUE]], $content = '', $block = class WP_Block { public $parsed_block = ['blockName' => 'core/post-content', 'attrs' => […], 'innerBlocks' => […], 'innerHTML' => '', 'innerContent' => […]]; public $name = 'core/post-content'; public $block_type = class WP_Block_Type { public $api_version = 3; public $name = 'core/post-content'; public $title = 'Content'; public $category = 'theme'; public $parent = NULL; public $ancestor = NULL; public $allowed_blocks = NULL; public $icon = NULL; public $description = 'Displays the contents of a post or page.'; public $keywords = […]; public $textdomain = NULL; public $styles = […]; private $variations = NULL; public $variation_callback = NULL; public $selectors = […]; public $supports = […]; public $example = NULL; public $render_callback = 'render_block_core_post_content'; public $attributes = […]; private $uses_context = […]; public $provides_context = NULL; public $block_hooks = […]; public $editor_script_handles = […]; public $script_handles = […]; public $view_script_handles = […]; public $view_script_module_ids = […]; public $editor_style_handles = […]; public $style_handles = […]; public $view_style_handles = […]; private $deprecated_properties = […] }; public $context = ['postId' => 479081, 'postType' => 'page']; protected $available_context = ['postId' => 479081, 'postType' => 'page']; protected $registry = class WP_Block_Type_Registry { private $registered_block_types = […] }; public $inner_blocks = []; public $inner_html = ''; public $inner_content = []; public $attributes = ['layout' => […]] } )…/class-wp-block.php:519
111.371922497056apply_filters( $hook_name = 'the_content', $value = '<!– wp:group {"style":{"spacing":{"padding":{"top":"var:preset|spacing|40","right":"var:preset|spacing|40","bottom":"var:preset|spacing|40","left":"var:preset|spacing|40"}},"color":{"background":"#262626"}},"textColor":"secondary","layout":{"type":"default"}} –>\n<div class="wp-block-group has-secondary-color has-text-color has-background" style="background-color:#262626;padding-top:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);padding-right:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);padding-bottom:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);pad'… )…/post-content.php:50
121.371922497304WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '<!– wp:group {"style":{"spacing":{"padding":{"top":"var:preset|spacing|40","right":"var:preset|spacing|40","bottom":"var:preset|spacing|40","left":"var:preset|spacing|40"}},"color":{"background":"#262626"}},"textColor":"secondary","layout":{"type":"default"}} –>\n<div class="wp-block-group has-secondary-color has-text-color has-background" style="background-color:#262626;padding-top:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);padding-right:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);padding-bottom:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);pad'…, $args = [0 => '<!– wp:group {"style":{"spacing":{"padding":{"top":"var:preset|spacing|40","right":"var:preset|spacing|40","bottom":"var:preset|spacing|40","left":"var:preset|spacing|40"}},"color":{"background":"#262626"}},"textColor":"secondary","layout":{"type":"default"}} –>\n<div class="wp-block-group has-secondary-color has-text-color has-background" style="background-color:#262626;padding-top:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);padding-right:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);padding-bottom:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);pad'…] )…/plugin.php:205
131.372022498200do_blocks( $content = '<!– wp:group {"style":{"spacing":{"padding":{"top":"var:preset|spacing|40","right":"var:preset|spacing|40","bottom":"var:preset|spacing|40","left":"var:preset|spacing|40"}},"color":{"background":"#262626"}},"textColor":"secondary","layout":{"type":"default"}} –>\n<div class="wp-block-group has-secondary-color has-text-color has-background" style="background-color:#262626;padding-top:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);padding-right:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);padding-bottom:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);pad'… )…/class-wp-hook.php:324
141.377622526512render_block( $parsed_block = ['blockName' => 'core/group', 'attrs' => ['layout' => […]], 'innerBlocks' => [0 => […], 1 => […], 2 => […], 3 => […]], 'innerHTML' => '\n<div class="wp-block-group">\n\n\n\n\n\n</div>\n', 'innerContent' => [0 => '\n<div class="wp-block-group">', 1 => NULL, 2 => '\n\n', 3 => NULL, 4 => '\n\n', 5 => NULL, 6 => '\n\n', 7 => NULL, 8 => '</div>\n']] )…/blocks.php:2113
151.377822527208WP_Block->render( $options = ??? )…/blocks.php:2061
161.378622530016WP_Block->render( $options = ??? )…/class-wp-block.php:499
171.378722530712Ninja_Forms::{closure:/srv/www/auvoriaprime.com/releases/20241221113540/web/app/plugins/ninja-forms/blocks/bootstrap.php:23-28}( $atts = ['formID' => 3, 'formTitle' => 'Vendor Application'], '', class WP_Block { public $parsed_block = ['blockName' => 'ninja-forms/form', 'attrs' => […], 'innerBlocks' => […], 'innerHTML' => '', 'innerContent' => […], 'parentLayout' => […]]; public $name = 'ninja-forms/form'; public $block_type = class WP_Block_Type { public $api_version = 1; public $name = 'ninja-forms/form'; public $title = 'Ninja Form'; public $category = 'common'; public $parent = NULL; public $ancestor = NULL; public $allowed_blocks = NULL; public $icon = 'feedback'; public $description = ''; public $keywords = […]; public $textdomain = NULL; public $styles = […]; private $variations = NULL; public $variation_callback = NULL; public $selectors = […]; public $supports = NULL; public $example = NULL; public $render_callback = class Closure { … }; public $attributes = […]; private $uses_context = […]; public $provides_context = NULL; public $block_hooks = […]; public $editor_script_handles = […]; public $script_handles = […]; public $view_script_handles = […]; public $view_script_module_ids = […]; public $editor_style_handles = […]; public $style_handles = […]; public $view_style_handles = […]; private $deprecated_properties = […] }; public $context = []; protected $available_context = ['postId' => 479081, 'postType' => 'page']; protected $registry = class WP_Block_Type_Registry { private $registered_block_types = […] }; public $inner_blocks = []; public $inner_html = ''; public $inner_content = []; public $attributes = ['formID' => 3, 'formTitle' => 'Vendor Application'] } )…/class-wp-block.php:519
181.378822547384Ninja_Forms->display( $form_id = 3, $preview = TRUE )…/bootstrap.php:26
191.379422547384NF_Display_Render::localize_preview( $form_id = 3 )…/ninja-forms.php:958
201.379522548136NF_Display_Render::localize( $form_id = 3 )…/Render.php:583
211.553524488768apply_filters( $hook_name = 'ninja_forms_localize_field_settings_repeater', $value = ['objectType' => 'Field', 'objectDomain' => 'fields', 'editActive' => FALSE, 'order' => 4, 'idAttribute' => 'id', 'label' => 'Team Member Details', 'type' => 'repeater', 'container_class' => 'half_col', 'element_class' => '', 'wrap_styles_border' => '', 'wrap_styles_width' => '', 'wrap_styles_margin' => '', 'wrap_styles_padding' => '', 'wrap_styles_float' => '', 'wrap_styles_show_advanced_css' => 1, 'label_styles_border' => '', 'label_styles_width' => '', 'label_styles_font-size' => '', 'label_styles_margin' => '', 'label_styles_padding' => '', 'label_styles_float' => '', 'label_styles_show_advanced_css' => 1, 'element_styles_border' => '', 'element_styles_width' => '', 'element_styles_font-size' => '', 'element_styles_margin' => '', 'element_styles_padding' => '', 'element_styles_float' => '', 'element_styles_show_advanced_css' => 1, 'fields' => [0 => […], 1 => […], 2 => […], 3 => […], 4 => […], 5 => […], 6 => […], 7 => […], 8 => […], 9 => […], 10 => […], 11 => […], 12 => […], 13 => […], 14 => […], 15 => […], 16 => […], 17 => […], 18 => […]], 'key' => 'team_member_details_1628056581871', 'cellcid' => 'c4886', 'drawerDisabled' => '', 'confirm_field' => 'contact_information_1627886083205', 'unique_field' => 'contact_information_1627886083205', 'wrap_styles_advanced' => 'text-align:center;', 'label_styles_advanced' => 'text-align:center;', 'element_styles_advanced' => 'text-align:center;', 'field_label' => 'Team Member Details', 'field_key' => 'team_member_details_1628056581871', 'button_text' => 'Add Fieldset', 'id' => 604, 'beforeField' => '', 'afterField' => '', 'value' => '', 'label_pos' => 'above', 'parentType' => 'textbox', 'element_templates' => [0 => 'repeater', 1 => 'input'], 'old_classname' => '', 'wrap_template' => 'wrap-no-label'], …$args = variadic(class NF_Database_Models_Form { protected $_db = class wpdb { public $show_errors = TRUE; public $suppress_errors = FALSE; public $last_error = ''; public $num_queries = 33; public $num_rows = 1; public $rows_affected = 0; public $insert_id = 0; public $last_query = 'SELECT cache FROM `wp_nf3_upgrades` WHERE id = 3'; public $last_result = […]; protected $result = class mysqli_result { … }; protected $col_meta = […]; protected $table_charset = […]; protected $check_current_query = TRUE; private $checking_collation = FALSE; protected $col_info = NULL; public $queries = […]; protected $reconnect_retries = 5; public $prefix = 'wp_'; public $base_prefix = 'wp_'; public $ready = TRUE; public $blogid = 0; public $siteid = 0; public $tables = […]; public $old_tables = […]; public $global_tables = […]; public $ms_global_tables = […]; public $old_ms_global_tables = […]; public $comments = 'wp_comments'; public $commentmeta = 'wp_commentmeta'; public $links = 'wp_links'; public $options = 'wp_options'; public $postmeta = 'wp_postmeta'; public $posts = 'wp_posts'; public $terms = 'wp_terms'; public $term_relationships = 'wp_term_relationships'; public $term_taxonomy = 'wp_term_taxonomy'; public $termmeta = 'wp_termmeta'; public $usermeta = 'wp_usermeta'; public $users = 'wp_users'; public $blogs = NULL; public $blogmeta = NULL; public $registration_log = NULL; public $signups = NULL; public $site = NULL; public $sitecategories = NULL; public $sitemeta = NULL; public $field_types = […]; public $charset = 'utf8mb4'; public $collate = 'utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci'; protected $dbuser = 'auvoriaprime_com'; protected $dbpassword = 'cCHNyLd3NZ62J0J5B*74LKo4beQPCUjpJzKbWJh6WeYh8XqSjAkB4I4J*oen'; protected $dbname = 'auvoriaprime_com_test'; protected $dbhost = 'localhost'; protected $dbh = class mysqli { … }; public $func_call = '$db->query("SELECT cache FROM `wp_nf3_upgrades` WHERE id = 3")'; public $is_mysql = TRUE; protected $incompatible_modes = […]; private $allow_unsafe_unquoted_parameters = TRUE; private $use_mysqli = TRUE; private $has_connected = TRUE; public $time_start = 1740276848.7647; public $error = NULL; public $categories = 'wp_categories'; public $post2cat = 'wp_post2cat'; public $link2cat = 'wp_link2cat'; public $payment_tokenmeta = 'wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta'; public $order_itemmeta = 'wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta'; public $wc_product_meta_lookup = 'wp_wc_product_meta_lookup'; public $wc_tax_rate_classes = 'wp_wc_tax_rate_classes'; public $wc_reserved_stock = 'wp_wc_reserved_stock'; public $wcs_payment_retries = 'wp_wcs_payment_retries'; public $actionscheduler_actions = 'wp_actionscheduler_actions'; public $actionscheduler_claims = 'wp_actionscheduler_claims'; public $actionscheduler_groups = 'wp_actionscheduler_groups'; public $actionscheduler_logs = 'wp_actionscheduler_logs'; public $wc_category_lookup = 'wp_wc_category_lookup' }; protected $_id = 3; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'form'; protected $_parent_id = ''; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_forms'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_form_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = [0 => 'title', 1 => 'created_at', 2 => 'form_title', 3 => 'default_label_pos', 4 => 'show_title', 5 => 'clear_complete', 6 => 'hide_complete', 7 => 'logged_in', 8 => 'seq_num']; protected $_settings = ['objectType' => 'Form Setting', 'editActive' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Vendor Application', 'form_title' => 'Vendor Application', 'default_label_pos' => 'above', 'show_title' => 0, 'clear_complete' => '1', 'hide_complete' => '0', 'logged_in' => '0', 'wrapper_class' => '', 'element_class' => '', 'key' => '', 'add_submit' => '1', 'changeEmailErrorMsg' => 'Please enter a valid email address!', 'changeDateErrorMsg' => 'Please enter a valid date!', 'confirmFieldErrorMsg' => 'These fields must match!', 'fieldNumberNumMinError' => 'Number Min Error', 'fieldNumberNumMaxError' => 'Number Max Error', 'fieldNumberIncrementBy' => 'Please increment by ', 'formErrorsCorrectErrors' => 'Please correct errors before submitting this form.', 'validateRequiredField' => 'This is a required field.', 'honeypotHoneypotError' => 'Honeypot Error', 'fieldsMarkedRequired' => 'Fields marked with an <span class="ninja-forms-req-symbol">*</span> are required', 'currency' => '', 'repeatable_fieldsets' => 'Member Details', 'unique_field_error' => 'A form with this value has already been submitted.', 'not_logged_in_msg' => '', 'sub_limit_msg' => 'The form has reached its submission limit.', 'calculations' => […], 'header_position' => 'left', 'footer_position' => 'left', 'save_progress_allow_multiple' => '0', 'save_progress_table_legend' => 'Load saved progress', 'save_progress_table_columns' => […], 'container_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'title_styles_show_advanced_css' => '1', 'row_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'row-odd_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'success-msg_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'error_msg_styles_show_advanced_css' => '1', 'conditions' => […], 'mp_breadcrumb' => '1', 'mp_progress_bar' => '0', 'mp_display_titles' => '0', 'mp_prev_label' => '', 'mp_next_label' => '', 'breadcrumb_container_styles_border' => '', 'breadcrumb_container_styles_height' => '', 'breadcrumb_container_styles_width' => '', 'breadcrumb_container_styles_margin' => '', 'breadcrumb_container_styles_padding' => '', 'breadcrumb_container_styles_float' => '', 'breadcrumb_container_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'breadcrumb_buttons_styles_border' => '', 'breadcrumb_buttons_styles_height' => '', 'breadcrumb_buttons_styles_width' => '', 'breadcrumb_buttons_styles_font-size' => '', 'breadcrumb_buttons_styles_margin' => '', 'breadcrumb_buttons_styles_padding' => '', 'breadcrumb_buttons_styles_float' => '', 'breadcrumb_buttons_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'breadcrumb_button_hover_styles_border' => '', 'breadcrumb_button_hover_styles_height' => '', 'breadcrumb_button_hover_styles_width' => '', 'breadcrumb_button_hover_styles_font-size' => '', 'breadcrumb_button_hover_styles_margin' => '', 'breadcrumb_button_hover_styles_padding' => '', 'breadcrumb_button_hover_styles_float' => '', 'breadcrumb_button_hover_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'breadcrumb_active_button_styles_border' => '', 'breadcrumb_active_button_styles_height' => '', 'breadcrumb_active_button_styles_width' => '', 'breadcrumb_active_button_styles_font-size' => '', 'breadcrumb_active_button_styles_margin' => '', 'breadcrumb_active_button_styles_padding' => '', 'breadcrumb_active_button_styles_float' => '', 'breadcrumb_active_button_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'progress_bar_container_styles_border' => '', 'progress_bar_container_styles_height' => '', 'progress_bar_container_styles_width' => '', 'progress_bar_container_styles_margin' => '', 'progress_bar_container_styles_padding' => '', 'progress_bar_container_styles_float' => '', 'progress_bar_container_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'progress_bar_fill_styles_border' => '', 'progress_bar_fill_styles_height' => '', 'progress_bar_fill_styles_margin' => '', 'progress_bar_fill_styles_padding' => '', 'progress_bar_fill_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'part_titles_styles_border' => '', 'part_titles_styles_height' => '', 'part_titles_styles_width' => '', 'part_titles_styles_font-size' => '', 'part_titles_styles_margin' => '', 'part_titles_styles_padding' => '', 'part_titles_styles_float' => '', 'part_titles_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'navigation_container_styles_border' => '', 'navigation_container_styles_height' => '', 'navigation_container_styles_width' => '', 'navigation_container_styles_margin' => '', 'navigation_container_styles_padding' => '', 'navigation_container_styles_float' => '', 'navigation_container_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'previous_button_styles_border' => '', 'previous_button_styles_height' => '', 'previous_button_styles_width' => '', 'previous_button_styles_font-size' => '', 'previous_button_styles_margin' => '', 'previous_button_styles_padding' => '', 'previous_button_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'next_button_styles_border' => '', 'next_button_styles_height' => '', 'next_button_styles_width' => '', 'next_button_styles_font-size' => '', 'next_button_styles_margin' => '', 'next_button_styles_padding' => '', 'next_button_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'navigation_hover_styles_border' => '', 'navigation_hover_styles_height' => '', 'navigation_hover_styles_width' => '', 'navigation_hover_styles_font-size' => '', 'navigation_hover_styles_margin' => '', 'navigation_hover_styles_padding' => '', 'navigation_hover_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'formContentData' => […], 'drawerDisabled' => FALSE, 'unique_field' => 'contact_information_1627886083205', …]; protected $_results = []; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; protected $_fields = NULL }) )…/Render.php:313
221.553524489016WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = ['objectType' => 'Field', 'objectDomain' => 'fields', 'editActive' => FALSE, 'order' => 4, 'idAttribute' => 'id', 'label' => 'Team Member Details', 'type' => 'repeater', 'container_class' => 'half_col', 'element_class' => '', 'wrap_styles_border' => '', 'wrap_styles_width' => '', 'wrap_styles_margin' => '', 'wrap_styles_padding' => '', 'wrap_styles_float' => '', 'wrap_styles_show_advanced_css' => 1, 'label_styles_border' => '', 'label_styles_width' => '', 'label_styles_font-size' => '', 'label_styles_margin' => '', 'label_styles_padding' => '', 'label_styles_float' => '', 'label_styles_show_advanced_css' => 1, 'element_styles_border' => '', 'element_styles_width' => '', 'element_styles_font-size' => '', 'element_styles_margin' => '', 'element_styles_padding' => '', 'element_styles_float' => '', 'element_styles_show_advanced_css' => 1, 'fields' => [0 => […], 1 => […], 2 => […], 3 => […], 4 => […], 5 => […], 6 => […], 7 => […], 8 => […], 9 => […], 10 => […], 11 => […], 12 => […], 13 => […], 14 => […], 15 => […], 16 => […], 17 => […], 18 => […]], 'key' => 'team_member_details_1628056581871', 'cellcid' => 'c4886', 'drawerDisabled' => '', 'confirm_field' => 'contact_information_1627886083205', 'unique_field' => 'contact_information_1627886083205', 'wrap_styles_advanced' => 'text-align:center;', 'label_styles_advanced' => 'text-align:center;', 'element_styles_advanced' => 'text-align:center;', 'field_label' => 'Team Member Details', 'field_key' => 'team_member_details_1628056581871', 'button_text' => 'Add Fieldset', 'id' => 604, 'beforeField' => '', 'afterField' => '', 'value' => '', 'label_pos' => 'above', 'parentType' => 'textbox', 'element_templates' => [0 => 'repeater', 1 => 'input'], 'old_classname' => '', 'wrap_template' => 'wrap-no-label'], $args = [0 => ['objectType' => 'Field', 'objectDomain' => 'fields', 'editActive' => FALSE, 'order' => 4, 'idAttribute' => 'id', 'label' => 'Team Member Details', 'type' => 'repeater', 'container_class' => 'half_col', 'element_class' => '', 'wrap_styles_border' => '', 'wrap_styles_width' => '', 'wrap_styles_margin' => '', 'wrap_styles_padding' => '', 'wrap_styles_float' => '', 'wrap_styles_show_advanced_css' => 1, 'label_styles_border' => '', 'label_styles_width' => '', 'label_styles_font-size' => '', 'label_styles_margin' => '', 'label_styles_padding' => '', 'label_styles_float' => '', 'label_styles_show_advanced_css' => 1, 'element_styles_border' => '', 'element_styles_width' => '', 'element_styles_font-size' => '', 'element_styles_margin' => '', 'element_styles_padding' => '', 'element_styles_float' => '', 'element_styles_show_advanced_css' => 1, 'fields' => […], 'key' => 'team_member_details_1628056581871', 'cellcid' => 'c4886', 'drawerDisabled' => '', 'confirm_field' => 'contact_information_1627886083205', 'unique_field' => 'contact_information_1627886083205', 'wrap_styles_advanced' => 'text-align:center;', 'label_styles_advanced' => 'text-align:center;', 'element_styles_advanced' => 'text-align:center;', 'field_label' => 'Team Member Details', 'field_key' => 'team_member_details_1628056581871', 'button_text' => 'Add Fieldset', 'id' => 604, 'beforeField' => '', 'afterField' => '', 'value' => '', 'label_pos' => 'above', 'parentType' => 'textbox', 'element_templates' => […], 'old_classname' => '', 'wrap_template' => 'wrap-no-label'], 1 => class NF_Database_Models_Form { protected $_db = class wpdb { … }; protected $_id = 3; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'form'; protected $_parent_id = ''; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_forms'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_form_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = […]; protected $_settings = […]; protected $_results = […]; protected $_cache = TRUE; private ${NF_Abstracts_Model}db_stage_1_complete = TRUE; protected $_fields = NULL }] )…/plugin.php:205
231.553524489664NF_Fields_Repeater->display_filter( $fieldset = ['objectType' => 'Field', 'objectDomain' => 'fields', 'editActive' => FALSE, 'order' => 4, 'idAttribute' => 'id', 'label' => 'Team Member Details', 'type' => 'repeater', 'container_class' => 'half_col', 'element_class' => '', 'wrap_styles_border' => '', 'wrap_styles_width' => '', 'wrap_styles_margin' => '', 'wrap_styles_padding' => '', 'wrap_styles_float' => '', 'wrap_styles_show_advanced_css' => 1, 'label_styles_border' => '', 'label_styles_width' => '', 'label_styles_font-size' => '', 'label_styles_margin' => '', 'label_styles_padding' => '', 'label_styles_float' => '', 'label_styles_show_advanced_css' => 1, 'element_styles_border' => '', 'element_styles_width' => '', 'element_styles_font-size' => '', 'element_styles_margin' => '', 'element_styles_padding' => '', 'element_styles_float' => '', 'element_styles_show_advanced_css' => 1, 'fields' => [0 => […], 1 => […], 2 => […], 3 => […], 4 => […], 5 => […], 6 => […], 7 => […], 8 => […], 9 => […], 10 => […], 11 => […], 12 => […], 13 => […], 14 => […], 15 => […], 16 => […], 17 => […], 18 => […]], 'key' => 'team_member_details_1628056581871', 'cellcid' => 'c4886', 'drawerDisabled' => '', 'confirm_field' => 'contact_information_1627886083205', 'unique_field' => 'contact_information_1627886083205', 'wrap_styles_advanced' => 'text-align:center;', 'label_styles_advanced' => 'text-align:center;', 'element_styles_advanced' => 'text-align:center;', 'field_label' => 'Team Member Details', 'field_key' => 'team_member_details_1628056581871', 'button_text' => 'Add Fieldset', 'id' => 604, 'beforeField' => '', 'afterField' => '', 'value' => '', 'label_pos' => 'above', 'parentType' => 'textbox', 'element_templates' => [0 => 'repeater', 1 => 'input'], 'old_classname' => '', 'wrap_template' => 'wrap-no-label'], $form = class NF_Database_Models_Form { protected $_db = class wpdb { public $show_errors = TRUE; public $suppress_errors = FALSE; public $last_error = ''; public $num_queries = 33; public $num_rows = 1; public $rows_affected = 0; public $insert_id = 0; public $last_query = 'SELECT cache FROM `wp_nf3_upgrades` WHERE id = 3'; public $last_result = […]; protected $result = class mysqli_result { … }; protected $col_meta = […]; protected $table_charset = […]; protected $check_current_query = TRUE; private $checking_collation = FALSE; protected $col_info = NULL; public $queries = […]; protected $reconnect_retries = 5; public $prefix = 'wp_'; public $base_prefix = 'wp_'; public $ready = TRUE; public $blogid = 0; public $siteid = 0; public $tables = […]; public $old_tables = […]; public $global_tables = […]; public $ms_global_tables = […]; public $old_ms_global_tables = […]; public $comments = 'wp_comments'; public $commentmeta = 'wp_commentmeta'; public $links = 'wp_links'; public $options = 'wp_options'; public $postmeta = 'wp_postmeta'; public $posts = 'wp_posts'; public $terms = 'wp_terms'; public $term_relationships = 'wp_term_relationships'; public $term_taxonomy = 'wp_term_taxonomy'; public $termmeta = 'wp_termmeta'; public $usermeta = 'wp_usermeta'; public $users = 'wp_users'; public $blogs = NULL; public $blogmeta = NULL; public $registration_log = NULL; public $signups = NULL; public $site = NULL; public $sitecategories = NULL; public $sitemeta = NULL; public $field_types = […]; public $charset = 'utf8mb4'; public $collate = 'utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci'; protected $dbuser = 'auvoriaprime_com'; protected $dbpassword = 'cCHNyLd3NZ62J0J5B*74LKo4beQPCUjpJzKbWJh6WeYh8XqSjAkB4I4J*oen'; protected $dbname = 'auvoriaprime_com_test'; protected $dbhost = 'localhost'; protected $dbh = class mysqli { … }; public $func_call = '$db->query("SELECT cache FROM `wp_nf3_upgrades` WHERE id = 3")'; public $is_mysql = TRUE; protected $incompatible_modes = […]; private $allow_unsafe_unquoted_parameters = TRUE; private $use_mysqli = TRUE; private $has_connected = TRUE; public $time_start = 1740276848.7647; public $error = NULL; public $categories = 'wp_categories'; public $post2cat = 'wp_post2cat'; public $link2cat = 'wp_link2cat'; public $payment_tokenmeta = 'wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta'; public $order_itemmeta = 'wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta'; public $wc_product_meta_lookup = 'wp_wc_product_meta_lookup'; public $wc_tax_rate_classes = 'wp_wc_tax_rate_classes'; public $wc_reserved_stock = 'wp_wc_reserved_stock'; public $wcs_payment_retries = 'wp_wcs_payment_retries'; public $actionscheduler_actions = 'wp_actionscheduler_actions'; public $actionscheduler_claims = 'wp_actionscheduler_claims'; public $actionscheduler_groups = 'wp_actionscheduler_groups'; public $actionscheduler_logs = 'wp_actionscheduler_logs'; public $wc_category_lookup = 'wp_wc_category_lookup' }; protected $_id = 3; protected $_tmp_id = ''; protected $_type = 'form'; protected $_parent_id = ''; protected $_parent_type = ''; protected $_table_name = 'wp_nf3_forms'; protected $_meta_table_name = 'wp_nf3_form_meta'; protected $_relationships_table = 'wp_nf3_relationships'; protected $_columns = [0 => 'title', 1 => 'created_at', 2 => 'form_title', 3 => 'default_label_pos', 4 => 'show_title', 5 => 'clear_complete', 6 => 'hide_complete', 7 => 'logged_in', 8 => 'seq_num']; protected $_settings = ['objectType' => 'Form Setting', 'editActive' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Vendor Application', 'form_title' => 'Vendor Application', 'default_label_pos' => 'above', 'show_title' => 0, 'clear_complete' => '1', 'hide_complete' => '0', 'logged_in' => '0', 'wrapper_class' => '', 'element_class' => '', 'key' => '', 'add_submit' => '1', 'changeEmailErrorMsg' => 'Please enter a valid email address!', 'changeDateErrorMsg' => 'Please enter a valid date!', 'confirmFieldErrorMsg' => 'These fields must match!', 'fieldNumberNumMinError' => 'Number Min Error', 'fieldNumberNumMaxError' => 'Number Max Error', 'fieldNumberIncrementBy' => 'Please increment by ', 'formErrorsCorrectErrors' => 'Please correct errors before submitting this form.', 'validateRequiredField' => 'This is a required field.', 'honeypotHoneypotError' => 'Honeypot Error', 'fieldsMarkedRequired' => 'Fields marked with an <span class="ninja-forms-req-symbol">*</span> are required', 'currency' => '', 'repeatable_fieldsets' => 'Member Details', 'unique_field_error' => 'A form with this value has already been submitted.', 'not_logged_in_msg' => '', 'sub_limit_msg' => 'The form has reached its submission limit.', 'calculations' => […], 'header_position' => 'left', 'footer_position' => 'left', 'save_progress_allow_multiple' => '0', 'save_progress_table_legend' => 'Load saved progress', 'save_progress_table_columns' => […], 'container_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'title_styles_show_advanced_css' => '1', 'row_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'row-odd_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'success-msg_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'error_msg_styles_show_advanced_css' => '1', 'conditions' => […], 'mp_breadcrumb' => '1', 'mp_progress_bar' => '0', 'mp_display_titles' => '0', 'mp_prev_label' => '', 'mp_next_label' => '', 'breadcrumb_container_styles_border' => '', 'breadcrumb_container_styles_height' => '', 'breadcrumb_container_styles_width' => '', 'breadcrumb_container_styles_margin' => '', 'breadcrumb_container_styles_padding' => '', 'breadcrumb_container_styles_float' => '', 'breadcrumb_container_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'breadcrumb_buttons_styles_border' => '', 'breadcrumb_buttons_styles_height' => '', 'breadcrumb_buttons_styles_width' => '', 'breadcrumb_buttons_styles_font-size' => '', 'breadcrumb_buttons_styles_margin' => '', 'breadcrumb_buttons_styles_padding' => '', 'breadcrumb_buttons_styles_float' => '', 'breadcrumb_buttons_styles_show_advanced_css' => '0', 'breadcrumb_button_hover_styles_border' => '', 'breadcrumb_button_hover_styles_height' => '', 'breadcrumb_button_hover_styles_width' => '', 'breadcrumb_button_hover_styles_font-size' => '', 'breadcrumb_button_hover_styles_margin' => '', 'breadcrumb_button_hover_styles_padding' => '', 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