Trading in Forex News Resources



Asian woman looking at a newspaper and her computer monitor.

When you are trading in forex markets or other markets, it’s not only important to consider how the market is at that exact moment. You also have to monitor the market so that you can make successful trades. As many of us know, the market is constantly changing. That’s why it’s important to stay up to date with the factors that affect the market, such as the news.

Why Is Trading in forex News Important?

What traders should always remember is that NEWS drives the market.  Even some “minor” things that you may not think are important could have a big impact.  Whether it’s a country’s Presidential election, political unrest, or even a natural event like an earthquake, the currency of that country can be affected.  As a result, all currency pairs that are related to that country will also be affected.

The secret to using the news to your advantage is to be ahead of other traders.  The earlier you hear the news, the better it is for your trading.  That’s why you should know what resources to use.

Resources for Trading in forex News

There are many resources available to help traders stay up to date with important news.  Although watching the news on your TV, reading articles and watching videos online are always helpful, there are also websites that can be a huge help for staying in the know.  As an example, here are some of the resources you can use if you are trading in the Forex market:

  • Forex Factory – This website offers updated and current news that can affect a trading session.  In fact, their key indicators and news releases have a color coded system in order for traders to identify the severity of each announcement.
  • Daily FX – This is another great resource for daily news, which also offers fundamental and technical analysis.  Aside from news, it also has a forum that traders can use to discuss trade strategies.
  • RatesFX – This website offers information on the currency pairs that you’re trading on, including currency conversion and performance information.

There are similar sites to assist in trading in Forex, options, indices, crypto or other markets.  Your favorite search engine can locate them for you.

Why Live Trade Rooms Are a Great Resource

Aside from monitoring the news, one of the ways to stay updated on important news is by joining LIVE trade rooms, where beginner and experienced traders come together for live interactive training.  Aside from getting trained by experts, you also become part of a community of traders who work together to help each other succeed.  In a live trade room, there are more eyes on the market; therefore, you have lots of help to catch important news as fast as possible.

Auvoria Prime’s live trade rooms also offer multiple channels of interactive training using the AIRO indicator in trading in Forex, Options, Indices, and Crypto, as well as all of our other software products.  Both beginner and advanced traders can come together to learn from expert educators in order to learn new strategies, stay updated on important world news, and enhance their trading skills and mindset. 

Our mentors notify the entire room when something important happens, so no one is left out of the loop.  To learn more about how you can get involved in Auvoria Prime’s live trade rooms, click below.

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